Blog post

Bangin’ Brussels Sprouts

August 28, 2018

Simple, Easy & Delicious Brussels Sprouts Recipe!

This brussels sprout recipe was something I just made up one day – I actually had never even tried a brussels sprout before!  I decided I really wanted to try them so I bought a bag at the store and decided to use whatever I had in the kitchen to make them taste good.  Anytime I make this recipe I use the following ingredients:

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  2. Butter – about 1 tablespoon
  3. Minced garlic – 1 spoonful
  4. Salt
  5. Pepper
  6. Red Pepper Flakes – just a few! (optional)


First, I cut the ends off and cut them in half.  I’ve since realized that a lot of people make brussels sprouts in the oven, but this recipe requires cooking them in a frying pan.  


I start by pouring olive oil in the frying pan and heating up on low heat – I add a decent amount, so the brussel sprouts don’t burn.  I then add butter – about 1 tablespoon. Once the butter is melted I add a spoonful of garlic. I like to use minced garlic instead of fresh garlic because I just like to taste and it’s easier for the times I am trying to make a quick meal after work.  If you don’t love garlic you can just use a little bit – or just leave it out all together! I let the garlic cook for just a minute or two – it cooks quickly, so make sure it doesn’t burn!



While the garlic is cooking I add some salt and pepper right before adding the brussels sprouts.  Sometimes I add a few red pepper flakes, but these can definitely be left out if you don’t prefer the spice!


Once everything is in the pan and cooking you are ready to add the brussel sprouts.  I put them in face down (flat side on the pan) and let them cook for a few minutes until they are slightly browned on the inside.  I then flip them around – at this point sometimes the oil dissipates and I add a little more. I definitely like them on the softer side, so once I flip them I usually cover the pan for a few minutes.



I stir from time as the brussel sprouts cook and always make sure there is enough oil in the pan, so they don’t burn, but I continue to cover after stirring.  Once I stick a fork through the middle in it goes in easily they are ready to be served – I also taste along the way to see if I need to add anything! I like the EVOO, so I usually just pour all the oil and brussel sprouts into a bowl and serve – if you don’t like the oil it may be better to drain before serving!

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